Here's a list of some of my Meetup Groups I attend. There's quite a bit of overlap from Design, Tech and Growth Marketing.
Bay Area Mobile Growth Hackers
Product w/o Growth is like an initiative w/o an objective
Great talk about all things design and technology
Lean Product & Lean UX Silicon Valley
Great Meetup run by Dan Olsen typically featuring prominent SV Product folks
Just like AA, but we'll always be addicted! :)
Weekly Wednesday talks by Product practitioners
Promoted by the Product School (product mgmt. bootcamp)
Related to Mind the Product
There's also an upcoming (May 4) Mind the Product Conference
Another Product Meetup
Growth Marketing, some product (my friends run it!)
Startup mixers and demo conferences
5 min demos on early-stage startups
Run by Cindy Solomon, Prod Mgmt/Mkt; good friend of mine